International Conference on A Decade of Progress After Fukushima-Daiichi: Building on the Lessons Learned to Further Strengthen Nuclear Safety (continuation)


At the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria), the  International Conference on A Decade of Progress After Fukushima-Daiichi: Building on the Lessons Learned to Further Strengthen Nuclear Safety continues its work. Head of Gosatomnadzor Olga Lugovskaya is taking part in the event.

The second day of the conference includes plenary sessions on topics «Preparing and Responding to a Potential Nuclear Emergency» followed by a panel discussion on «Preparing and Responding to a Potential Nuclear Emergency – Robust Preparedness Arrangements» and «Protecting people against radiation exposure» followed by a panel discussion on «Protecting people against radiation exposure– Attributing Health Effects to ionizing Radiation Exposure and Inferring Risks». The speakers will be representatives from China, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Russia, Sweden, the United States, and other countries, as well as from the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

As previously reported, the first day included plenary sessions on «The Contribution of International Organizations to Global Safety» and «Ensuring the Safety of Nuclear Installations» as well as a panel discussion on «Ensuring the Safety of Nuclear Installations – Minimizing the Possibility of Serious Off-Site Radioactive Releases».

The participants discussed the basic requirements for nuclear installations, measures and technical solutions to ensure the safety of generation 3+ reactors, small modular reactors, floating nuclear power plants, which take into account the lessons of the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant. Despite the significant progress in terms of ensuring the safety of modern nuclear installations, the need was noted for being prepared to respond to any events at a nuclear power plant, even those that seem impossible. The focus was also on the issues of safety culture, which is currently considered as an integral professional attribute in the nuclear sphere, and the impact on its formation of national culture as a whole.

The purpose of the conference is to review lessons learned, share experiences, results, and achievements resulting from actions taken by the national, regional, and international communities following the Fukushima Daiichi accident, and identify ways to further strengthening of nuclear safety. The event will last until November 12, 2021.

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