Review of the State of Radiation Safety in the Republic of Belarus for 2023 is released


Adhering to the policy of openness and transparency, as well as to the undertaken international obligations, Gosatomnadzor, as the Belarusian regulatory authority, in accordance with its functions, regularly prepares and provides relevant information on the state of safety of nuclear facilities and ionizing radiation sources to the Belarusian and foreign public.

Preparation of reviews, which are analytical reports that have been developed on a regular basis since 2014 as a part of Gosatomnadzor’s responsibility to the general public, is one element of such work.

One of the keynote ideas of such regular reports is the formation of awareness that nuclear and radiation safety in the Republic of Belarus is an unconditional priority, which is based, among other things, on the commitments of our state related to overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, and on increased responsibility to the society in this area.

Review of the State of Radiation Safety in the Republic of Belarus for 2023 was released in April 2024. On April 29, 2024, the Review was presented at the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus.

Pages of the Review cover the milestones that took place in 2023, including the development
of legislation in the field of radiation safety and fulfillment of international obligations, provide information on the state of radiation safety, information on accounting and control of nuclear materials as well as ionizing radiation sources, safeguards in the field of safety in atomic energy use.
An assessment of the state of safety of atomic energy facilities is provided. Publication presents information on radioactive waste management facilities and their condition as well as on the management of ionizing radiation sources.

Information on nuclear legacy – territories affected by the Chernobyl NPP accident, including exclusion zones, is also given.

Considerable attention is paid to the results of radiation, radiation-hygienic monitoring and radiation control of foodstuffs, raw materials, materials and radiation protection of the population.

Information on scientific and technical support of regulatory activities, implementation of measures of the state programs and formation of draft programs of the Union State is presented.

Materials submitted by the organizations of the system of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus were used for the Review preparation.

Click here to download the Review.

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