The Organizations We Cooperate with

Gosatomnadzor establishes international cooperation to strengthen nuclear and radiation safety both at the bilateral level (through cooperation with regulatory authorities, technical support organizations of sovereign states and other organizations related to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety) and at the multilateral level (within the framework of international organizations, associations, programmes and projects with multilateral participation).

Multilateral cooperation

In order to implement the national interests of the Republic of Belarus, Gosatomnadzor works in close cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the world’s leading organization in the field of atomic energy use. While carrying out its regulatory functions, Gosatomnadzor adheres to a number of the IAEA norms and guidelines to improve the effectiveness of the activities performed by the regulatory authority.

A key area of Gosatomnadzor's multilateral cooperation is interaction with the international associations in the post-Soviet space, in particular within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which contributes to the unification of legislation and approaches to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in member states.

Gosatomnadzor has joined a number of international associations and networks of regulatory bodies in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, which involve exchange of experience, best practices and approaches to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety and implementation of modern safety standards, among them are:

-     Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF). Belarus, represented by Gosatomnadzor, joined the RCF as a beneficiary in 2012;

-     Europe and Central Asia Nuclear Safety Network (EuCAS). Gosatomnadzor has been a representative of EuCAS since the establishment of the network in September 2016 and has been a participant in the development and signing of the document initiating this regional association.

Within the framework of cooperation with the CIS member states, the Republic of Belarus, represented by Gosatomnadzor, initiated the formation of a new professional association of regulatory authorities. Such an association was established in 2022 in the form of the Council of Heads of Regulatory Bodies in the Field of Atomic Energy Use of the CIS Member States.

The Council is a permanent body under the Commission of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy and is formed of the heads of safety regulatory authorities in the field of atomic energy use. It aims to:

-     identify common issues in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation;

-     define a general approach to the regulation of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear energy facilities;

-     improve efficiency, quality and openness of the activities carried out by regulatory authorities in the field of nuclear and radiation safety.

Bilateral cooperation

Gosatomnadzor fulfills activities of bilateral cooperation in various areas of nuclear and radiation safety regulation under agreements (intergovernmental, interdepartmental and etc.) with foreign partners from 19 countries: Armenia, Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russian Federation, Northern Europe (Norway, Finland, Sweden), Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Cooperation with organizations of the Russian Federation involved in ensuring nuclear and radiation safety, particularly with the regulatory body, the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) is a top priority.

As for other states, priority in establishing and developing bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety is given to the neighboring countries of the Republic of Belarus, as well as to countries with developed nuclear power industry and, in particular, with nuclear energy programs comparable to Belarus.



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