Cooperation for Strengthening of Safety

The Republic of Belarus carries out activities to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, which are directly related to the fulfillment of international obligations and use of effective tools of direct communication with stakeholders within the country and beyond. Taking into account the global nuclear safety regime and the beginning of commercial operation of the Belarusian NPP, Gosatomnadzor continues to pursue an open and constructive policy in the field of international cooperation through:

-     reporting on the implementation of the international obligations of the Republic of Belarus to ensure nuclear and radiation safety;

-     interaction with regulators of nuclear and radiation safety of other countries, other relevant organizations, including on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements, and also on a multilateral basis;

-     cooperation with other countries’ regulatory authorities in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, including on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements, as well as in a multilateral format;

-     work with the IAEA review and advisory missions in the Republic of Belarus;

-     participation in international events (conferences, forums, workshops, meetings, exhibitions);

-     training and fellowships for the Belarusian specialists abroad;

-    implementation (or participation in the implementation) of national and regional technical cooperation projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Information on the development of international cooperation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of nuclear and radiation safety is published annually in the annual reviews of the state of nuclear and radiation safety, which are publicly available in the sections “System of Nuclear and Radiation Safety in Belarus” / “Reports and reviews on ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in the Republic of Belarus” of the Gosatomnadzor website.

International obligations of the Republic of Belarus to ensure nuclear and radiation safety

Organizations we cooperate with

International projects and programmes



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