Gosatomnadzor hosts a workshop on Safety Assessment and Training (SAET) Programme
IAEA nuclear safety experts Mr. Mikhail Lankin and Mr. Artur Lubarsky are actively participating in the workshop.
Mr. Jozef Misak from the Nuclear Research Institute Řež plc (Czech Republic), Mr. Jorge Sorilla from the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA, the Argentine Republic) and Mr. Ki Sig Kang from the KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (Republic of Korea) will join the workshop via video conferencing.
Presentations on the main concepts of the IAEA safety standards, such as safety of nuclear power plants, safety assessment of facilities and activities will be presented by the speakers.
Furthermore, the format and content of the safety justification report will be considered.
At the end of the workshop, an open discussion and general discourse on safety assessment issues are planned.