Charity events


It has become a good tradition in Gosatomnadzor to carry out charity activities held in conjunction with the Day of Knowledge shortly before September 1. The campaigns “Let's Pack a Backpack Together” and “Back to School with a Generous Heart” are always welcomed by the employees of Gosatomnadzor. When buying gifts, children and their teachers’ wishes are taken into account.

On August 28, representatives of Gosatomnadzor Mr. Alexander Dokuchaev, Deputy Head of the Department, and Ms. Natalia Sokolova, Deputy Head of the Division of Personnel, Organizational and Analytical Work and Quality Management, visited the State Educational Institution Social-Pedagogical Center of Astravets District to greet children with the beginning of the new academic year.

Speaking to children of the center, Mr. Alexander Dokuchaev wished them to be persistent during the academic year, obtain good knowledge so that they could realize their plans and dreams in the future, as well as sound health and happiness. Every child was presented with a school backpack and sweet gifts from the employees of Gosatomnadzor and the State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (CNRS).

Support in purchasing backpacks for the primary organization of Gosatomnadzor and CNRS of the joint organization Belarusian Women's Union of the MES of the Republic of Belarus was provided by the administration of the leading manufacturer of leather accessories JSC Galanteya.

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