Representatives of Gosatomnadzor took part in the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Regulatory Cooperation Forum


From June 25 to 28, representatives of Gosatomnadzor participated in a meeting of the Steering Committee of the Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF), which was held in Vienna (Republic of Austria). The objective of the meeting was to exchange information on the development of regulatory infrastructure in the countries supported by the RCF, and to share the gained experience.

Along with Gosatomnadzor, representatives of Bangladesh, Canada, China, Egypt, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, USA and Vietnam attended the event.

For reference

Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) was established in 2010 to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience in the regulatory field by means of international cooperation in order to achieve a high standard of nuclear safety that meets the IAEA safety standards. Over 30 countries are members of the RCF.

During the Forum, Gosatomnadzor employees Ms. Tatiana Bosenko and Ms. Antanina Adamovich provided information on the current status of the nuclear power program and nuclear and radiation safety regulatory infrastructure development in the Republic of Belarus, and considered the issues of further participation of Belarus as a recipient-provider in RCF.

Taking into account the progress of the Belarusian nuclear power program and the lessons learned in the establishment and improvement of regulatory infrastructure, the status of a recipient-provider was given to the Republic of Belarus, thus providing an opportunity to involve the expert potential of Gosatomnadzor specialists in the field of regulatory infrastructure development in the newcomer countries.

By participating in the Forum Gosatomnadzor managed to discuss the issues of further participation of the Republic of Belarus in the RCF in a new status of a recipient-provider and to elaborate effective cooperation strategies with the RCF member states in terms of regulatory infrastructure development.

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