IAEA workshop on Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan (INSSP) was held


On 25 June, Gosatomnadzor in cooperation with the IAEA arranged and held a workshop for state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Belarus to get acquainted with the Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan (INSSP)

INSSP provides the IAEA Member States a systematic and comprehensive framework for analyzing their nuclear security regimes and determining areas requiring enhancement.

Plan indicates all types of assistance required to support the development of an effective and sustainable nuclear security regime in such areas as: legal and regulatory framework, hazard and risk assessment, prevention, detection, and response to non-authorized actions with respect to radiation facilities, nuclear facilities, and technical assistance (including trainings) in these fields.

Workshop was attended by representatives of 15 state bodies and organizations. In the course
of the event, the participants were informed about the objectives, structure and work format of the Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan.

Information obtained during the event will be used in the framework of development of the potential use of the INSSP for the Republic of Belarus.

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