The regular comprehensive inspection of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant construction began


Another comprehensive inspection of the construction of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the Belarusian nuclear power plant began on Monday, June 5 and will last until June 16, 2017.

Maksim Mazurenko, Head of the Department for Organization of Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Installations, supervises the commission for conducting a comprehensive inspection, and its participants are representatives of controlling (supervisory) bodies – Gosatomnadzor, Gosstandart, as well as state sanitary supervision bodies.

The decision to conduct a comprehensive inspection, the timing, the head, the composition of the commission and the issues to be checked was taken by the Working Group for Coordination of Construction Supervision of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant under the leadership of the First Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

The purpose of the comprehensive inspection is to assess the compliance of the activities carried out by the organizations under supervision with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, in accordance with which the construction and commissioning of the Belarusian NPP should be carried out.

In addition to comprehensive inspections at the site of the Belarusian NPP, a permanent supervision regime has been established, which is carried out by the inspectors of Gosatomnadzor, as well as other control (supervisory) bodies.

For additional information, please, contact, the head of the inspection, the head of the department for organization of supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear installations of Gosatomnadzor Maxim Mazurenko, tel. (8-017) 200-13-71.

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